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  • Shanghai Green Pak Choi Asian Green

Shanghai Green Pak Choi Asian Green

SKU: 0321
$3.95 to $9.35

Item Details

If you love stir-fry—or just tasty vegetables—these easy-to-grow greens are a must! This popular pak choi matures early and has thick, dark-green leaves and light-green petioles shaped like an hourglass. This variety has excellent heat tolerance and adapts well to most areas provided temperatures stay between 50-80°F. Chefs and home cooks alike tout its tender leaves and excellent flavor. (aka Pac Choy, Bok Choy) 45-50 days full heads, 35-40 days baby choy. ±14,500 seeds/oz.

  • 45-50 days full heads, 35-40 days baby choy
  • ±14,500 seeds/oz
  • Conventional
  • Mild flavor
  • Light green stems and leaves
  • Bolt resistant

This variety works for:

  • Fresh eating
  • Stir-fry
  • Soup

Shanghai Green Pak Choi is most often used in Asian cuisine and can serve as a replacement for Napa cabbage. Despite it's appearance, the leaves are quite delicate.

Try sautéing leaves and adding them to dishes that include garlic, ginger, mushrooms, soy sauce, and chilies.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed to prevent premature flowering. Can also be planted in late summer for a fall crop. Seeds will germinate in 4-7 days. Plant in full sun to partial shade.

  • Direct Seed: 1" Apart
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Rows Apart: 18"
  • Thin: 6-12" Apart

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