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  • Cornfield Pumpkin Squash

Cornfield Pumpkin Squash

SKU: 0972-P25

Item Details

First offered by Seed Savers Exchange member Glenn Drowns in the 1984 Yearbook from USDA seed. Our top choice for use as both a carving pumpkin and for fall decorations. Fruits are flattened, light-colored, thin-skinned, and weigh 12-15 pounds. Very sturdy stems rarely break off. Traditionally grown as a dual crop planted with field corn.

  • 90 days
  • Conventional
  • Flattened, light skinned fruits
  • Winter squash or pumpkin
  • Fruits grow to 12-15 pounds
  • Sturdy stems rarely break off
  • Good for carving

This variety works for:

  • Steaming
  • Baking
  • Roasting
  • Soups
  • Pie
  • Storage
  • Ornamental

To prepare your squash, rinse the exterior and then cut in half and remove the seeds before baking, roasting, etc.

Winter squash can be pureed and sweetened as an addition to breads, muffins, cakes and pies. Diced and roasted squash can be tossed in warm salads of grains and nuts or with sautéed kale.

Summer squash are best eaten when they are small and the seeds are immature. Sliced thinly, summer squash are used in gratins and savory pies or sautéed or breaded and fried.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.

  • Direct Seed: 1" Deep
  • Seeds to Hill: 6-8 Seeds
  • Thin: To 3-4 Plants
  • Light: Full Sun

Ratings & Reviews

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Very nice pumpkins. 7 year old daughter and 10 year old son planted them last year in WI. Lots of pumpkins averaged 15 pounds and had a few twice that size. Good for pies and stems are very tough.