Bountiful Bean

SKU: 0337A-P50

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Item Details

In 1898 Abel Steele of Ferguson, Ontario won a $25.00 prize for naming this new variety from Peter Henderson & Company, previously known as “New Green Bush Bean No. 1.” Heavy crops of excellent quality, brittle, stringless 6-7" pods. Productive plants grow up to 18" tall.

  • 45-50 days
  • Organic
  • Bush bean
  • Snap bean
  • Sprawling bush habit
  • Stringless pods
  • Extremely productive

This variety works for:

  • Fresh eating
  • Steaming
  • Roasting
  • Canning
  • Freezing

When preparing your snap beans, clean off the ends and wash before roasting them with garlic and topping with parmesan cheese or adding them to your green been casserole.

These beans also have a short season, so try pairing them with new potatoes.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.

  • Direct Seed: 2" Apart
  • Seed Depth: 1"
  • Rows Apart: 36-48"
  • Light: Full Sun

Ratings & Reviews

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I loved Bountiful. It is definitely bountiful but it's also delicious.